Happy World Book Day everyone! I’m going to keep it simple and tell you several things about my love of books today.

Book I last read

David Gemmell’s Winter Warriors, I would heartily recommend it, especially if you love fantasy.

Favourite Children’s book

I could mention many. I love The Narnia stories, have a passion for the Secret Seven and adore the Chronicles of Prydain and Paddington Bear will always have a place in my heart.

I have to pick the BFG by Roald Dahl. It has it all, evil, good, the queen and dreams. I adore it.

Book that took me by surprise

A friend of mine told me about a book so good he missed his stop on the train he was so engrossed in it. The book was Back Roads by Tawni O’Dell. So I picked up a copy and found it so compelling I read it in little over a day. I was really taken by it even though it’s not my usual type of story.

Favourite Comfort book

I love to re-read ‘Dark Moon’ by David Gemmell. It’s one of my very favourites and is completely engaging. I always come out at the end in a brighter frame of mind.

Erotica I’ve read and loved

I tend to enjoy short volumes like the Black Lace Wicked Word Anthologies. The Coming Together anthologies are also wonderfully erotic and it’s a massive bonus that all the profits go to charity.

Why I love books

I think, like many people, my love of reading stemmed from being read to as a child. I still can remember the joy of my Dad tucking me up in bed and reading me a story. I loved ‘Wynken, Blynken and Nod’ and I bet my Dad can still recite it without looking at the words. Also my mum took my sister and I to the library when we were little. Every few weeks we’d go and pick new books as mum would pick hers. We all loved to read and all three of us still enjoy reading.

A fictional Character I’d love to meet

Oh wow, this is difficult. I mean I would love to meet the characters from my own books in the flesh. Wow, that would be fun as long as it wasn’t a new moon night anyway, you have to be careful with dates when you’ve got a werewolf in one of your stories and then there’s the vampire…Yeah, okay, so lets go for something less predictable shall we?

Who would I love to meet? Death (I mean the Discworld incarnation), The BFG, Aslan (I want to bury my face in his mane!), Paddington, yeah definitely. Oh, I don’t know this is really difficult, how can I pick only one? I’d love to meet the Secret Seven and go on a mystery with them (I just want to eat high tea, that’s all!) and Stig of the Dump and Tarantio (from Dark Moon) and…well, I could go on forever. I think I better give up now or we’ll be here all night!


So, what was the last book you read and did you enjoy it? Of course eBooks and print books both count!

I’m always eager to hear about good books!